No AI Content Inside - Gutenberg Publisher

No AI Content Inside

Gutenberg Publisher has developed the No AI Content Inside mark to indicate books, board games, and other content created by humans without the help of artificial intelligence (AI).

We consider it important to honor the “sweat on the forehead” of creators who work on their mind, memory, creative methods and create meaningful intellectual products. A work behind which there is a person, a person, is more than a source of information or entertainment, it is the key to mutual understanding and harmony in society.

We do not fight or campaign against the use of artificial intelligence: there is nothing wrong with it freeing people from routine operations and non-creative tasks. Nevertheless, we consider it necessary to emphasize the human contribution, which should guarantee the high quality, thoroughness, and soulfulness of the intellectual product.

The No AI Content Inside mark is free for use by anyone who voluntarily wishes to mark their work with it. Creativity is not subject to control or standards.

You can download the sign here: No AI content inside

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